Welcome to your horoscope sweet trees and darling roots! This is a week where unexpected events and release build up to self reflective clarity of purpose. Can you breathe deep, satiating love into the tense crevices of your physical body in the wake of feelings of instability and concern about the sweeping changes that lay before you?
Tonight is the night for full bodied release! The moon is full in it’s home sign of Cancer and it’s asking you to think about what emotional attachments to the structures in your life that you can release. Even if you cannot free yourself of the expectations of others, can you release the attachment of your self worth to meeting the expectations of people and institutions in power over you?
The next 3 days are a potent time to conduct full moon rituals for release and renewal. Rituals help align our thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions with our desired purpose. Community building around rituals for intention setting supercharges the power of any one of our intentions. This is the reason behind my new monthly New Moon Manifestation workshops.
The next workshop for the New Moon in Aquarius is Sunday 1/30 and I’d love to see you there! Don't forget that Darling Root subscribers get automatic enrollment to all workshops including this one, as well as access to the backlog of all past workshops! For a one time signup, you can use code SHRUTREES to get 22% off! Find all the information and sign up at this link!
This is also a week to tend to your heart. While the moon is in heart-centered Leo this Wednesday, the sun moves into Leo’s opposite sign of future focused Aquarius. As much as we will feel pressure to stress about what is over the horizon this is actually a practice that can diminish our heart’s crucial messages for us. Heartache is on the agenda this week and while it won’t demand to be felt, you only stand to gain from tending to it anyway.