This week inspires deep self reflection and begs the question, what vision of the future are you committed to?
On Tuesday, February 22nd, Pluto in the sky reaches the exact point of Pluto in the United States’ chart, perfecting the Pluto return which began in 2008. The ideological conflict which is underpinned by violence at the root of this country’s founding values is a major theme for this year. This conflict stretches far beyond just the United States’ purview, due to the interconnections of the world we live in.
Also on February 22nd, Mercury conjuncts asteroid Juno in the future-focused sign of Aquarius. Mercury rules our mind and communication while Juno is an asteroid representing what we are so committed to that we are willing to file bureaucratic paperwork about it. This meeting of commitments and our mind in visionary Aquarius on the day of America’s exact Pluto return speaks to our own personal hand in what future we choose to move into from here on out.
Pluto transits play out over long periods of time, so while confronting the buried wounds the United States was founded on is on the docket, don’t be surprised if there is no sudden and obvious movements on Tuesday itself. This transit has been building since 2008, when we saw the Great Recession only deepen global inequality, affecting the world's marginalized peoples the most. Take this transit as a sign to pay attention and reflect on what vision of the future you are committing to with your actions.
Next week on March 2nd is the New Moon in Pisces. This is the most significant New Moon of 2022 due to both Jupiter and Neptune in their home sign of Pisces. While the lead up to this New Moon promises to remind us of everything that has exhausted us, this New Moon is perfectly timed to give us hope for expansive possibilities beyond our wildest dreams.
Join me and a community of like minded individuals this Sunday, February 27th, for a New Moon Manifestation Workshop.
This workshop includes:
Horoscope for the month coupled with practical ways to apply the horoscope to your self and your relationships with other people.
A thorough breakdown of rituals, including a rational explanation from a former skeptic (me) on what value rituals can bring to our lives.
Easy to follow, clear instructions for how to conduct a New Moon Ritual complete with opening, sample intentions and closing.
Together we'll commemorate the Pisces New Moon by harnessing the power of group manifestation to welcome in authenticity over perfection, gentleness, the generative power of desire, and the potency of self soothing.
Click below to sign up and use code SHRUTREES for 22% off!
